Monday, October 29, 2007

October is World Hunger Month!

Welcome to our very first Blog for the Girl's In Action of Crossroads Baptist Church! I hope this will be helpful in keeping you up to date on the many activities and projects going on throughout the months and year! Please check back frequently as I will be adding more info everyday!

I want to start by sending out a big Thank You to all of our girls and their families for helping out with World Hunger Month. As you know, we decorated bags and collected items for the Crisis pantry here at Crossroads. We have collected quite a bit of food that I am sure will help some families in need. If your child did not get a chance to bring their items in, it's not too late! The girls are earning the "Feed the World" Badge .

I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the annual Harvest Festival will be held this Wednesday evening in the lower parking lot and in the fellowship hall. If you have not had the chance to attend the last two years or you are new to our church, I promise this will be a wonderful event! The younger and older GA's will each be responsible for working at one of our two boothes this year. The older GA's are in charge of the Bowling Booth and the younger GA's are in charge of the Ball Toss Booth. We are asking that the girls work one 20 minute session at their designated booth and when they do, they will be receiving credit towards their World Venture charm bracelet . If they have not already signed up to work they may come by the booth at anytime. There will be and adult there at all times. Also, if they bring a friend, they will receive the "I Brought A Friend" badge .

That's all for today!
In Him,
Dawn Thomas
GA Coordinator
"Anything you did for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:40